Umajin Blog


Published on April 05, 2023

Nicolás Erdödy as always does an amazing job curating some incredible speakers. I was also luck enough to join the list of presenters.

Here are my slides on some of the architectural challenges for large scale machine vision and AI along with a hint of what might be the future of visual transformers. [Presentation Link]

Just a small taste of some of the other amazing presentations include;

  • Andrew Richards. Founder, CEO, Codeplay Software. United Kingdom. “Building the Foundations for the Next Generation of High Performance Software”
  • Mark Thomas. CEO, Founder, Nextspace. Auckland, New Zealand. “Ontology – The core of a Digital Twin”
  • Douglas Kothe. Director of the Exascale Computing Project. U.S. Department of Energy (DoE). “Dawn of the Exascale Computing Era“
  • William Kamp. Square Kilometre Array Radio Telescope (SKA) “Towards 10% of a Square Kilometre Array Telescope”
  • Keren Bergman. Charles Batchelor Professor of Electrical Engineering; Scientific Director, Center for Integrated Science and Engineering, Dept of Electrical Engineering, Columbia University, New York, US. “Petascale photonic connectivity for energy efficient AI computing”
  • Tina Zou. Principal Engineer, Samsung. US. “Memory Coupled Compute: Innovating the Future of HPC and AI”
  • Karen Willcox, MNZM. Director, Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences. Professor, Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, The University of Texas at Austin. US/New Zealand. “Enabling Predictive Digital Twins at Scale“
  • Rio Yokota. Professor, Global Scientific Information and Computing Center, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. His research interests lie at the intersection of HPC, linear algebra, and machine learning. “Training vision transformers with synthetic images”

It’s awesome to see the progress with SYCL and oneAPI with Andrew. Mark and Karen had some amazing digital twin progress in terms of how to connect data and how to use digital twins for serious work and simulation. Doug really gave us a sense of the scale of the compute and the challenges around exploiting exascale compute efficiently. Will showed some mind bending numbers and engineering capabilities in creating systems to manage the crazy amounts of Data the telescopes are collecting.

Keren showed some incredible progress in optical interconnects, a very exciting silicon fabricated resonation chamber / comb laser driving the communications with un imaginable power efficiency, Tina showed a very exciting distributed memory architecture, Rio showed a very exciting paper which touches on some of my presented ideas around transformers for vision.

Overall an amazing conference this year and hopefully one which will result in new collaborative research and development!