Umajin Blog


The future of retail, competing and collaborating with Amazon

The future of retail, competing and collaborating with Amazon

This event was hosted by WPP and features some amazing speakers including Paul Sweeney the Director of US Research for Bloomberg, Andy […]

PWC / AGA Digital Innovation Summit

PWC / AGA Digital Innovation Summit

Umajin presented technology and spoke at the AGA and PwC Innovation Summit. With Umajin having a big focus in the hospitality space it […]

UMAJIN 2.0 Live

UMAJIN 2.0 Live

It’s very exciting to have version 2.0 of Umajin live. Here are some of the new features: We also have a new […]

WPP BrandZ China

WPP BrandZ China

The BrandZ event in Beijing was a great opportunity to showcase Umajin and what it can do for agencies and brands. We […]

ISE Europe

ISE Europe

Our partners NexCom and Intel were at ISE 2017. NexCom’s booth had an area showing off retail solutions built on Intel, powered […]



Here we see the HTC Vive headset and high speed tracking used to explore a Umajin scene with two animated characters. Because […]

UMAJIN code editing and debugging with Microsoft Visual Studio Code

UMAJIN code editing and debugging with Microsoft Visual Studio Code

A very exciting new feature for Umajin is editing and integrated debugging for your JS components, actions and feeds. We are using […]

IBM Watson & UMAJIN powered digital avatar

IBM Watson & UMAJIN powered digital avatar

Here is a Umajin showcase application which is highlighting our high quality rendered 3D character capability. The facial animation is driven in […]